Normal Average Tools
The C#-based scripted tool allows the user to export a model which does not have a set of averaged normals to the one that has.
The left one does not have an averaged normal, causing the shader to have a broken outline. The averaged normal tool allows the outline to be continuous.
Threshold-based Shading
The shader allows a threshold-value based toon shading, which allows large color regions with more visible boundaries.
See the right for the effect.
Texture-based Shading
It also allows another mode that uses a deep-region texture, which have a texture that contains the darkest color for each region. This mode allows a more continous and smooth shading, with the inner shadows on the model being more visibly comfortable.
Application Showcase
The above visual effects are applied in the Building Virtual World Round 4 Project, where you can take a look at the test play video right here.
The game is showcased in the ETC Festival.